
Showing posts from December, 2019


Create a simple House through using HTML(SVG) In this house we use only polygon SVG and line for create this house. Code:- <svg height="350" width="600"> <polygon fill= "#eb593d" points= "100,200 0,300 0,350 600,350 600,300 400,200" staroke-width= "4" stroke= "red" ></polygon>   <polygon points= "150,25 400,25 500,120 250,125" fill= "brown" stroke= "red" staroke-width= "4" /> <polygon points= "150,25 250,125 50,85" fill= "gold" stroke= "red" staroke-width= "4" /> <polygon points= "235,123 75,90 75,240 235,275" fill= "green" stroke= "red" staroke-width= "4" /> <polygon points= " 235,275 485,270 485,245 235,250" fill="brown" stroke= "red" staroke-width= "4" /> <polygon points= "485

What is SVG

What is SVG ? * SVG stands for  Scalable Vector Graphics, that is used to define graphics for web page. * This concept is achieved with the help of <svg> tag that is container for SVG graphics,   in SVG several method for create path, line,box, circle, triangle, rectangel and graphics images. SVG rectangle- Example- < svg  width ="400"  height ="100" > < rect  width ="400"  height ="100"  fill ="green" stroke ="red" stroke-width ="3"  / > < /svg > SVG square- Example- < svg  width ="100"  height ="100" > < rect  width ="100"  height ="100"  fill ="yellow"  stroke ="red"  stroke-width ="3"  / > < /svg > SVG  Circle- Example- < svg  width ="100"  height ="100" > < circle  cx ="50"  cy ="50"  r ="40"  stroke =&quo